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Erasmus KA 1 training course: Learn English with Music and Signs  (LETS)   

Learning a foreign language in young children is similar to learning the mother tongue which is based on the process of decoding.   Our LETS approach has been developed around the so called   full body response, which was theoretically defined by psychology professor J. Asher. We encourage movement and singing whenever possible. The movement is enhanced by the sue of key sords sings which help children in the decoding process. This allows them to use the same movement when they encounter the same word, and in this way they can remember the spoken word more quickly and also understand it faster. The approach is also distinguished by the fact that all children, both those with special needs and immigrant children, can take part in it, as participation does not depend on knowledge of the language in which the work in the department takes place.


This course is aimed to enable the teaching of English to children between the ages of 2 and 6. The methods can be used by teachers of English language but can also be used by Early Years professionals and nurseries who would like to introduce the teaching of English within the settings.

Main objective

To  provide children  with a solid base to build their English speaking,  comprehension skills and early reading skills.

The specific aims of the course: To help children develop a set of core vocabulary and expressions for use in simple conversation

  • To build confidence

  • To provide the motivation to learn English

  • To encourage ownership of the  language

  • To encourage children to communicate with whatever language they have at their disposal while learning English (mime, gesture, key word, music,  drawings, etc.)

  • To encourage children to treat English as a communication tool, not as an end product

  • To show children that English is fun

  • To establish a trusting relationship with children and encourage them to do the same with their classmates

  • To give children an experience of a wide range of English language in a non-threatening environment

The teachers receive a 5 day training with the following content:

  • Introduction to learning English with music and signs and general strategies to support language development. 

  •  Understand the importance of prephonic skills in literacy development.

  • Identify key components of prephonic skills, including auditory and visual discrimination, phonemic awareness, and motor readiness.

  • Implement effective strategies and activities to develop these skills in young learners.

  • Classroom vocabulary,  you  will learn 300  key sign supported words introduced   by  30 easy songs to  support early  English language development

  • Introduction and then practical ‘walk through’ of several group and individual sessions to  enable the practitioners to  deliver the initial group and individual sessions with confidence: the introduction to 40 lesson plans and learning materials to implement the approach in your practice. 

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